The vision of the Laurel Education Trust is to provide the young people within our communities with an excellent quality of education. We believe that there is no tension between the highest of academic expectations together with wonderful enrichment opportunities. Individual schools have their own identity whilst belonging to a wider community with shared beliefs in the importance of curriculum design, character development and the great strengths of working in partnership with others. Teaching and learning is put first because we know that where young people are inspired and nurtured in their learning and development, they will thrive and be well prepared for the next stage of their education. The business development of the Trust is effective and efficient, ensuring value for money in order to invest in our communities – our young people, our staff, and our facilities. Trustees, leaders and staff within the Laurel Education Trust share fundamental values and a forward-thinking approach to education in 2024 and beyond.
Mrs Rachel Kirk (CEO) and Mr Mike Moss (Deputy CEO).